For the inaugural Friday Focus, I’d thought I would do a photography related post. Surprise, surprise.
My favorite kind of photography is what I like to call Urban Grit. It’s completely random, completely ordinary, but completely spectacular all at the same time. Some people might not even realize the marvel of it, or “get it” and I’m completely okay with that. After all, the old adage goes, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” And for me, that is the pinnacle of truth when it comes to street photography. This type of photography can actually make me hyperventilate. I’m not kidding. If I see something and I can’t stop right there, I make a mental note and go back to capture it later.
Street photography…random snapshots of a continually changing world is the reason I fell in love with photography many years ago.
The following commentary is just opinion. Just what I see and what I think of when I look at these pictures.
The following 3 are from Henri Cartier-Bresson…the Godfather of Photojournalism and one of the most influential photographers of our time.
Love the simplicity of the man and a cat. Is the man homeless? Is the cat his or just wandering? I love how it seems so desolate…the compression from the tall buildings. You can tell from Henri’s perspective he just happened upon this picture.
I think of the promise of new beginnings when I look at this picture. The gorgeous city and all the wonder and opportunity it holds if you can just get to the other side.
My favorite kind of photo op…looks like nothing but fields but then you happen upon this grove of trees. Love the leading lines in the picture.
Love the color and composition on the throwback processing too. So much fun!
These are mine…just randomness on the streets.
My absolute favorite. Just in an alley off a side street. Who was it meant for? Do they even know this exists?
Love this.
Another favorite. This was etched into the sidewalk. I just happened to look down.
To take photographs means to recognize - simultaneously and within a fraction of a second - both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it meaning. It is putting one's head, one's eye and one's heart on the same axis.
~Henri Cartier-Bresson
1 comment:
Olivia, I love the idea of a weekly installation. That's awesome. And your category for this week was a lot of fun to read and look through. What a great topic! Much agreed. Photos like this are telling, moving, inspiring, and beautiful. I think they're provoke a lot more thought than even a lovely sunset or a nicely shot flower. I've never heard of the two photographers that you highlighted here, but I'm glad to know them now. Their work is great! You, also, have some really wonderful photos here! I am impressed. They're all good, but I think the randomly inscribed "goodnight sweetheart" is my favorite because you're right -- it tells a story of romance and love that is open to the imagination. Great post!
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